McKesson OneStop Generics Price Assurance Price Alert

Author: APCI Staff/Wednesday, June 29, 2016/Categories: Generics and Vendor Contracting, Pricing

June 24, 2016

Please make note of the following items eligible for the Price Assurance Promotion:

1864859 60505057804 AZELAST OS 0.05% APX 6ML@ 6/24/2016 7/23/2016  

McKesson has been notified of 1 items that increases in price on June 24, 2016. A customer's purchase of these items will be covered by the Price Assurance Promotion for 30 days following the price assurance start date.

Customers will receive price assurance payments on purchases of eligible product during the 30-day price assurance period, up to a maximum quantity determined by their purchase history. Price assurance will be provided on the difference between the new invoice price and the invoice price before the invoice price increase, multiplied by the eligible quantity.

Items eligible for Price Assurance can be located in McKesson Connect by typing the term “priceassurance2016” in the search bar (the search term is not case sensitive).

For more information, please visit the OneStop Generics homepage on McKesson Connect.

Note: The percentage increase in the invoice price may vary from the percentage increase in the WAC price.

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