Prescription Requirements Refresher

Prescription Requirements

Author: Jessica Bohm/Wednesday, August 17, 2016/Categories: CAPS

During recent audits, we have noticed an increase in missing required prescription information. Here is a quick refresher of what is required on a valid prescription according to the DEA. 

1. The patients full name and address

2. Practitioner’s full name, address, NPI and DEA (on controls only).

3. Drug name, strength and dosage form.

4. Quantity prescribed

5. Directions for use, must be specific directions. A good rule here is, if you can’t read the directions and determine an exact day supply, then they are not specific enough.

6. Number of refills, if any, are authorized.

7. Physician signature specifying substitution allowed or brand name only.

8. Date of issuance.

These requirements can vary by state, but these are the basic requirements for a written order to be valid. 

For telephone orders, all of the previous information is needed minus the physician signature.  The agent calling in the prescription should be noted along with the time depending on state requirements. 

Electronic prescriptions follow the same guidelines, but should include a tracking number provided by your software system.


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