OptumRx: Cigna-Healthspring Medicare Plans - Morphine Equivalent Dose Limit POS Edit (MEDLIMIT)

Effective February 1st 2017 BIN: 017010 PCN: CIHSCARE

Author: Kailee Burnett/Monday, February 13, 2017/Categories: APCI Choice

Effective January 1, 2017, CMS required Medicare plan sponsors to limit the daily cumulative dose of opioid products a beneficiary may obtain at Point of Sale (POS). The daily limit is referred to as the Morphine Equivalent Dose (MED) limit. The cumulative limit is based on a combination of drug strength and a product’s Morphine Milligram Equivalency (MME). The cumulative total daily MED value will be calculated based on the number of opioid drugs prescribed over a period of time which includes in coming claims and active claims history.

*Please see attached PDF for more information. 

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