

Express Scripts-Network Pharmacy Weekly 05/23/2018

Express Scripts Network Weekly 05/23/2018

Inside this issue:

           DAW 9 Updates

           Formulary Changes




Express Scripts: DAW 9 for Concerta and Adderall XR

***IMPORTANT*** Effective August 1st 2017

Effective Aug. 1, Express Scripts clients will have the option to require Concerta® and Adderall XR® be dispensed over their generic equivalents.




MedImpact Healthcare Systems, Inc. - Formulary Change Letter: Benicar Family

Please see the following communication for Brand over Generic for Benicar. Membership varies by plan.




Medimpact: MDWise DAW 6 and DAW 9 Codes

Effective: January 11, 2016

Per Indiana rule 405 IAC 5-24-8(a) prior authorization will be required for substitutable brand name drugs. Beginning on January 11, 2016, MDwise Medicaid (Healthy Indiana Plan and Hoosier Care Connect) prescriptions for which the prescriber has indicated "Brand Medically Necessary" will follow a new procedure for review and determination. Pharmacies will no longer be able to submit the claim with a DAW code of 6 or 9 for these prescriptions. For consideration of ‘Brand Medically Necessary’ claims, the prescriber will be required to submit a prior authorization request. Those requests will be considered within 24 hours. Prescribers should use the attached form to submit these requests, also found on the MDwise website, mdwise.org. BIN: 003585 PCN: ASPROD1 GRP: MDW





Per Indiana rule 405 IAC 5-24-8(a) prior authorization will be required for substitutable brand name drugs. Beginning on January 11, 2016, MDwise Medicaid (Healthy Indiana Plan and Hoosier Care Connect) prescriptions for which the prescriber has indicated "Brand Medically Necessary" will follow a new procedure for review and determination. Pharmacies will no longer be able to submit the claim with a DAW code of 6 or 9 for these prescriptions. For consideration of ‘Brand Medically Necessary’ claims, the prescriber will be required to submit a prior authorization request. Those requests will be considered within 24 hours. Prescribers should use the attached form to submit these requests, also found on the MDwise website, mdwise.org. BIN: 003585 PCN: ASPROD1 GRP: MDW